Implant Supported Dentures

Get Permanent Dentures in Fargo

implant supported dentures patients from FargoIf you are missing most or all of your teeth, there are many options to help you get back both your smile and your bite. To that end, we’re excited to be able to offer our Fargo area patients a set of implant supported dentures.

What Are Implant Supported Dentures?

In many ways, implant dentures are similar to traditional dentures. They are custom-designed to suit your mouth, prepared with the highest quality materials we have to offer, and restore your ability to bite, chew, and speak clearly.

However, these dentures have something that others don’t: permanence.

Instead of using adhesives to secure the dentures, these teeth are attached to a series of dental implant posts, making them permanent and totally secure.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are an extremely popular treatment for missing teeth. They are secure, long-lasting, comfortable, customized, and able to replace your entire tooth structure, rather than just the crown.

A dental implant starts with a titanium post, which is placed into your jaw, right where the tooth root used to be. As it heals, the bone of the jaw actually fuses to the post in a process called osseointegration.

With a single implant, a customized dental crown is then placed on top of the post. However, if you are missing most of your teeth, replacing every single one of them with individual implants may not be the most efficient or effective treatment for you.

That is where implant supported dentures come in. Instead of a crown, we attach a full denture set to a series of implant posts. These dentures are just as secure, comfortable, and beautiful as individual implants.

Implant Supported Options

There are several ways to use implant supported dentures. For example, most are permanently attached to the implants. However, removable sets which can snap onto implants are also available, so you can enjoy a hybrid between security of permanent dentures and the convenience of removable dentures.

One system option used for implants is called the All-on-4® Treatment Concept. This means that an entire set of dentures can be attached by only four strategically placed implant posts. The All-on-4® Treatment Concept is very efficient, and it can help completely restore your smile.

Implant dentures from dentistry serving Fargo, West Fargo, and MoorheadThe Benefits of Permanent Dentures

Using implants to support permanent dentures comes with a number of amazing benefits, including:

  • Restored Happiness: Because permanent dentures are so long-lasting and natural-looking, you won’t have to worry about hiding your smile anymore. Enjoy a restored peace of mind when you repair your smile with implant supported dentures!
  • Longevity: Dental implant posts are designed to last for a very long time. The first implants were placed decades ago and are still safe, secure, and functional.
  • Permanence: As discussed above, implants can allow a set of dentures to become permanent. You’ll never have to worry about adhesives again.
  • Eat What You Want: The security of permanent dentures means you also don’t have to deal with slippage or adhesive failure. If you want to bite into an apple, you can go ahead and do it!
  • Easy Maintenance: Clean and care for your permanent dentures the same way you would your natural teeth. You no longer have to take them out at night.
  • Jawbone Health: Implants do more than just hold your restored teeth in place. They also help to maintain the health of your jawbone, preventing any recession or degradation of the bone material.
  • Minimal Implants: If you are suffering from extensive tooth loss, you don’t need an implant for each individual tooth. With All-on-X, we can place a minimal number of implants to support your dentures, so you can enjoy a fully restored smile!
  • Quick and Efficient Restoration: The All-on-4® Treatment Concept allows you to use implant posts to secure your dentures without the need for extensive implantation or lengthy surgery. Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to restore your smile in a day!
  • Talk to Us Today About Implant Supported Dentures

    If you are missing most or all of your teeth, implant supported dentures may be the right treatment for you. Contact us today about your denture options if you are in the Fargo area, including Moorhead and West Fargo!