Benjamin Franklin once said: It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them. This holds true for almost everything in life, including dental care. For parents in the Fargo area, teaching your children good dental hygiene techniques early in life will benefit their smile throughout their life. If you wait too long to […]
dental hygiene
Dental Cleaning in Fargo
Categories: Dental Health
Welcome to the dental practice of Dr. Dennis Hetland, DDS. We provide comprehensive full service dentistry for clients in Fargo, Moorhead, West Fargo, Fargo and other communities in North Dakota. Our high tech team of skilled hygienists, dental assistants, and administrative staff help Dr. Hetland exceed our clients’ expectations. At Designer Smiles, we understand the […]
The Gift Of Oral Health In Fargo
Categories: Dental Health, General Dentistry
Many dental patients in the Moorhead, West Fargo, and Fargo areas may wonder why, with all the advances in dental medicine, we still send you home with a complimentary toothbrush and roll of floss. It’s true, they do seem a little old-fashioned in our high-tech world, but don’t let their simple design fool you. These […]