Less Is More In Dentistry

There are valuable new developments in dentistry: stronger, natural-looking materials; improved techniques; more effective diagnostic methods; and more precise instruments. Combine them with the team at Designer Smiles in Fargo ND and you’re left with less of what used to make people dread going to the dentist. Less Pain: Improved painkillers, lasers, and cutting-edge techniques […]

What Is Laser Dentistry?

Categories: Laser Dentistry
Moorhead, What Is Laser Dentistry?

The word ‘LASER’ is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A laser device emits a powerful, highly-concentrated beam of light. (Didn’t we all love the amazing laser weapons in ‘Star Wars?’) Lasers are used in hundreds of applications in almost every North Dakota industry including communications, researching, manufacturing, entertainment and medicine. […]